Nisici - benzinska pumpa i odmoriste
The original idea was to design a petrol station in a pine wood, where, were it not for the road, one would think one was in an oasis of unspoilt nature and fresh air: an ideal place to take a break on a long journey. Driving through these picturesque landscapes, one soon leavs the city behind, with its crowds, its pollution and its concrete and steel monstrosities. What kind of petrol station could belong in this paradise? If there has to be one, it must be appropriate to the setting: built of wood and stone, in the colours of the landscape - autumn tints, earth tones.
It should be a small building, just large enough to serve its purpose, and designed more for weary drivers to rest, to absorb the beauty of the setting. This became the guiding principle. There should be as much wood as posible, treated with fire-retardant, of course. Architecture is always a pure, simple idea. Everything else is merely dictated by the need to address technical, functional and traffic-related issues. The middle of the site is occupied by a semicircular canopy over the petrol pumps. Why semicircular? So that the view of the surrounding forest is blocked no more than absolutely necessary. Two semicircular conopies meet in a deep rainwater channel. The structure is robust, to cope with heavy snowfalls.
Ideja je bila projektovati benzinsku pumpu usred guste borove šume, gdje biste, da nema saobraćajnice, pomislili da se nalazite u oazi očuvane prirode i čistog zraka - idealno mjesto za zaustaviti auto i odmoriti se. Putujući ovim prekrasnim krajevima, iza sebe ostavljate gradsku vrevu, betonske i čelične monstrume. Kakva benzinska pumpa pripada ovom raju? Ako već mora, onda takva da je priroda može prihvatiti - izgrađena od drveta i kamena, u bojama okoliša, jeseni, zemlje.
Objekat je mali, samo da posluži svrsi, da se umorni vozač odmori i upije dio ljepote kako bi je što duže nosio u sebi. To je bila ideja vodilja. Mora biti što više drveta, a najvažnije je da postoje protupožarni premazi. Arhitektura je uvijek čista i jednostavna misao. Sve ostalo se nametnulo samo kao rješenje različitih tehničkih, funkcionalnih i saobraćajnih problema. Centralni dio prostora zauzima polukružna nadstrešnica, s uređajima za točenje goriva. Zašto polukrug? Da se vidi što više šume. Dva polukružna krova sučeljavaju se u velikom koritu za odvođenje oborina. Konstrukcija je moćna jer ovdje snijeg zaista zna iznenaditi.